Create Health in your Mind

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. —2 Corinthians 10:5

JOIN US for a ROLL ON WORKSHOP, Feb 16-17, 2024

for the LOVE of Time, Talents, & Treasures Workshop - CLICK HERE TO Learn More & Register!

Join Dwight & Brittany Whitworth for an exciting workshop at First Presbyterian Church in Junction, TX, USA! A little over a year ago, we hit some personal and business "walls" and started creating our own, don't give up, don't go backwards - ROLL ON Movement and we want to share with you!

This in-person event is all exploring and unleashing YOUR time, talents, and treasures to make the best use of your one life! Have you ever felt stuck as if you were missing out on your best life? Have you tried to break though with little or no progress? You are capable and we can help you initiate your breakthrough. With our seven years of Health & Wellness coaching and multiple mentors, including John Witte, founder of Istoria Project who will also join us, you will walk away feeling like you're unraveling answes and understanding yourself better! Awareness and understanding yourself is the FIRST STEP in true breakthrough.

We all can get stuck! Our minds and what we think hold the keys to unlocking our potential!

Have you noticed that sometimes we get stuck in our thoughts? Or stuck in the past? We have! And, what we’ve found is that we can’t quit! When we quit, we’re often just shy of the promise land and we miss the blessing!

Late one night, Brittany was inspired by a rolly polly! Yes, that little bug that we sometimes call pill bugs! They belong to the family Armadillidiidae and are able to form their bodies into a ball shape. And, what’s more is they are actually quite fascinating. Did you know, that they are the only crustacean that has become completely adapted to spending its life on land? They have totally adapted from the sea to the land. They don’t give up. They might pause and roll up in a ball but then they keep ROLLING ON! If you don’t believe me, try putting an obstacle in their way and see what they do.

Someone once told Brittany “you can’t teach GRIT” and she’s found that they’re right but you can lead others to figure out grit. And, this has become a passion for her inspired by a rolly polly one night! 

Brittany loves to take others on a journey to help you determine what’s meant for you in your trials by discovering what you’ve come to falsely believe and what identities you have started owning that are NOT yours to own.  

Through her powerful ROLL ON workshops, she invites you to create your ROLL ON MOVEMENT!  For upcoming  ROLL ON workshops, check back here often to sign up for the next virtual ROLL ON workshop. You can also follow her on Instagram for inspiration to ROLL ON because after all, you have NOTHING to fear; fear is a liar and worry and fear only keep you stuck.

Dwight and Brittany also help clients and other health coaches create healthier mindsets. We do one:one and group mentoring and very much enjoy helping others create all the dreams they can envision. It’s an honor to assist others to break through concepts holding them back. If you’d like to explore joining us as business partners, please send us a message. We would be happy to create time to talk about you coming along to coach others with us. It’s incredibly rewarding!

Interested in learning more about upcoming ROLL ON workshops? Fill out the form below!