Create Health in Body

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies. —1 Corinthians 6:19-20

This may seem crazy, but the simplest place to begin is creating health within your body.

We are Independent OPTAvia Health Coaches. We invite you to fill out the Health Evaluation below to initiate a free conversation to discuss your health goals and to see if our program is a good fit for you!

Through OPTAvia, we have gained the tools for lifelong health and we love sharing these tools to help others live their BEST LIFE. Together, we shed 55 pounds! We are those parents who, in our 40s, are in the pool playing with our children, splashing around, and having so much fun! These wins have positively impacted our three children. We feel so blessed to be OPTAvia coaches. It’s so fun to help others find health. Through hard work, diligence, skill, persistence, competence, and learning leadership, we have gained the freedom to do so many things that we'd never dreamed possible, mostly creating amazing memories with our family. This program is such a gift and it’s an honor to pay it forward. 

We are excited to help our clients create healthy bodies with the OPTAvia program; we are confident we can help YOU learn to win with food and create healthy habits in all the six areas that we coach. One of the best gifts of us both moving to healthier places in our bodies has been that it’s positively impacted our children. We have been able to positively influence our three amazing kids to know about food and the power of fueling their bodies well because we led the way for them and we are intentional to guide them. We understand it’s a struggle but it’s possible. We truly believe that when we can healthy bodies – so much more falls into place, including healthier families, marriages, minds, and finances.

Your best life is waiting. If you are done with the struggle, we can start with a conversation to determine if you are truly ready. If you want to go to the next level, let’s have a conversation to determine where we can start! Click on the Wellbeing Survey below to share some information with us and we will reach out to schedule a time to discuss your desired outcomes!